Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Medical Model Of Health A Balanced Diet And Working Out...
What is health? Is it having a balanced diet and working out or is it being the correct BMI? Health can be defined in many different ways, for example, the Bio-Medical model of health believes health to be the absence of pain, biological abnormalities and diseases. Whereas most Socio-medical models of health such as the World Health Organisation consider health to involve a range of different factors such as environment, social life and mental wellbeing alongside the more recognised factors of health e.g. pain and sickness. From a personal perspective, health should cover all aspects, whether it is social, environmental, psychological and physical. All of these aspects are important aspects to a person’s wellbeing. (Taylor field 2003) The World Health Organisation believes that â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, and political belief, economic or social condition.†(WHO,1946) This means that they delve deeper into a patient’s life, for example if a patient is suffering with depression, other factors are considered for example does the patient socialise, does the patient live in bad conditions? These are all considered to help treat a patient without medication. The Bio-Medical Model is used in western societies such as the NHS, and reliesShow MoreRelatedCare Plan on Stroke4717 Words  | 19 Pages3000 word essay on patient with left sided stroke with one identified health need/problem: Dysphagia Student Name: Dashante` Burgess Green Cohort- Group 1 Module: NIP 1000 Word count: 3,010 A stroke is a life changing disease and sudden attack of weakness to one side of the body resulting from a interruption to the flow of blood going to the brain that can be a minor attack and resolved in a few days or major attack leaving the person with physical disabilities and cognitive deficit (McFerranRead MoreNew Product Development Process9775 Words  | 40 Pageseat everyday affect our health. We are more confused than ever about the link between diet and health  Researchers have researched about, how low-income Greeks affect their healthy diet. 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