Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Impact Of Malnutrition On Guatemala And Its Effects On...
The Impact of Malnutrition in Guatemala Most children in Guatemala at the age of five begin to suffer from malnourishment while in other countries such as the U.S. children suffer from obesity. In Guatemala, half of all the children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnourishment. It is the largest economy in Central America and also the most populous country in the region. Even so, many members of Guatemala remain minimally active in the economy and live in poverty (Guatemala s government 1). Guatemala is rich in agricultural yet they don t feed their own people. According to the World Food Programme in 2009 Guatemala ranked 133 out of 187 countries in the Human Development Index of 2012 (1). The HDI is a system used to rank countries on their overall achievements economically and socially. Guatemala faces a food insecurity crisis due to droughts. The global economic crisis has reduced exports, foreign investments, tourism revenues and access to credit thereby increasing the government s budget deficit and unemployment. The rise in the price of agricultural inputs has reduced the availability of subsidized fertilizers (1). Farmers are affected but not as much as families. Due to the crisis families are restricted to the access of food. In comparison to the United States families are less likely to face these crisis because they receive help from Welfare, Medicaid and Medicare. Feed the Future reports that Guatemala has tremendous agricultural production, leadingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Nutrition And Supportive Environment1526 Words  | 7 Pagesspecific, within 1000 days of period between conception to 2nd Birthday of child(1), the global movement of The First Thousand Days has started in 2010 in Washington DC. 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