Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Mgt Syllabus
Shouldn't something be said about deceptive yet good? Which is progressively critical to an association, to be moral or good? Why? What are morals? How are close to home morals not quite the same as business morals? In light of your work understanding, depict a moral issue that you confronted. What were the moral ramifications encompassing that issue, assuming any? How was the issue settled or in what manner would it be a good idea for it to have been settled? Does your association have a composed set of accepted rules? Provided that this is true, how viable is this cook AT lead:' 10 need degree ay you tank Tanat a cook AT direct can Nell to characterize the moral estimations of an organization?How may a set of principles approach mirror the individual morals of the representatives? What can a business do to decrease the probability of settling on unscrupulous choices ND making increasingly moral issues? Think about a case of dishonest conduct you have seen in a business setting. Was this conduct a consequence of an unscrupulous individual or an untrustworthy association? Clarify your answer. Week Two Organizational Values ; Read Chi. 14 of Business morals. ; Read Chi. 8-10, up. 115-118, up. 138-142 of Managing business morals. 2. Conversation Questions What is the connection between hierarchical qualities and authoritative culture?Does authoritative culture impact hierarchical qualities more than authoritative qualities impact hierarchical culture? Clarify your answer. How do authoritative estimations of your association impact its lead? How do your association's qualities impact you? In what capacity may an entrepreneur, whose business has developed from a proprietor and administrator to utilizing 12 individuals more than quite a long while, make the authoritative culture and hierarchical estimations of the business? Consider that a similar business has developed to utilize at least 100 individuals more than a few more years.How may the way to deal with hiera rchical culture and qualities change contingent upon the size of the association? What is the connection between hierarchical qualities and individual qualities? Which of your own qualities are typified in your association? How do workers' very own qualities impact the lead of your association? What issues may emerge if representatives' very own qualities are essentially not the same as their boss' authoritative qualities? need Is winless-Doodling:' close to need cohorts defame a worker Low ten whistle on their employer?If the organization's top official solicited you to make a code from morals approach for the organization, what might you incorporate? What approach would you use? For what reason would you select that approach? Give at any rate two instances of things you would remember for your code of morals and depict why they are imperative to your organization's code. Think about a good or moral difficulty you encountered as of late busy working. What steps did you take to dete rmine the issue? All things considered, by what means may you have taken care of the circumstance in an unexpected way? By what means may this procedure be extraordinary on the off chance that you were following up for the benefit of the organization?How may you have dealt with the circumstance contrastingly in the event that you were the CEO? Envision you are a division administrator at a huge pharmaceuticals organization. You straightforwardly manage 50 normal or more normal performing representatives. Numerous workers in your group have been with the organization for quite a long while. Some as of late recruited representatives, generally ladies and minority gatherings, were employed to cure the absence of assorted variety in the working environment. Late money related troubles inside the organization quire every division chief to decrease their workforce by 15%.Describe the procedure you would use to settle on this choice. How would you morally Justify your choice? Do you imagin e that you share a similar moral viewpoint as individuals who work with you? Clarify your answer. For what reason is it significant, or not, to share moral points of view in the working environment? What are the moral norms for where you work? What exactly degree do you imagine that moral points of view may change after some time? What components may impact these changes? What is your experience working with or working for somebody you felt had a much efferent moral viewpoint than your own?How did you know when you two were moving toward the equivalent moral quandaries from various moral points of view? What was the result? How did your choices or results analyze? Week Four Ethical and Legal Issues in Business course Agelessness ; Read Chi. 10 of Business morals. ; Review Chi. 3, 8, and 10 of Managing business morals. 2. Singular Assignment: Ethics Game Simulation Resource: Ethics Game Simulation Complete the Ethics Game Simulation. Compose a 700-to 1,050-word intelligent Journal in which you answer the accompanying inquiries: What were the moral issues introduced in the reenactment? What dynamic advances did you take to morally address these issues? ;What moral viewpoints, or focal points, did you use to settle on your choices in the recreation? ;How did these moral points of view, or focal points, impact your administration choices? ; How may ideas from this reproduction identify with your working environment? Do you think HR (HRS) polices ought to administer moral and lawful issues? Why or why not? By what method may HRS strategies administer untrustworthy or unlawful conduct? Do we need laws that implement moral codes? By what means may a circumstance in business be legitimate yet unethical?How may a circumstance be moral yet illicit? Offer a model from your own understanding of HRS arrangements that address or support moral practices. What is your meaning of a partner? Which of the diverse partner gatherings' inclinations are the most significant, and why ? What moral duties does an association need to various partner gatherings? In what manner may overlooking the necessities of one partner for another partner influence the association? Give a model. For what reason may a business need to bid more straightforwardly to an auxiliary partner rooftop than the essential stakeholders?What points of interest may there be in doing this? For what reason may a business need to bid all the more straightforwardly to a gathering that isn't a partner gathering? In what kinds of circumstances may this bode well? What is the distinction between a partner gathering and a specific vested party? Name three instances of business or associations in which you are a partner. What makes you a partner to these associations? How are your perspectives essential to these associations? Are your perspectives lined up with the legitimate and moral contemplations of the association? Clarify your answer.Describe when another partner gathering's perspectives were in direct restriction of your perspectives or the association's flews. need snoozed Week Five Cross-social Ethics and Social Responsibility Analyze morally and socially capable strategic policies across societies. ; Read Chi. 18 and 21 of Business morals. ; Read Chi. 1 of Managing business morals. 2. Singular Assignment: Final Examination Resources: Business morals and Managing business morals Click the connection to the Final Examination on your understudy site accessible from the finish of Week Four through the finish of Week Five.Complete the Final Examination. You are permitted one endeavor to finish the test, which is planned and should be finished in 3 hours. Results are auto reviewed and sent to your educator. Note. Last Examination questions are adjusted from Business morals and Managing business morals. 3. Learning Team Assignment: Ethical Organization Profile Write a 1,050-to 1,750-word paper in which your Learning Team clarifies an imaginary association's morals projects and generally speaking moral condition. Make an imaginary association. Portray the kind of business, areas, size, and items or administrations advertised. Compose a worth articulation which incorporates: Overall morals of the association Socially capable strategic policies Write an essential set of accepted rules. Select three of the accompanying to include: ; rehearses ; Workplace discipline Termination of business Diversity Harassment ; Family and individual issues Hiring Imagine your association NAS basement to Deign tasks In another country.Identify the nation and answer the accompanying inquiries: What legitimate and moral issues may your association face with activities in that nation? ; What partner bunches pertinent to your association would be influenced by growing tasks into this new nation? ; How may those gatherings impact he legitimate and moral choices your association may make while growing its activities? ; How may the lawful and moral issues looked in this nation impac t your association's worth proclamation and implicit rules? 4.Discussion Questions What should an association consider from a moral and socially mindful point of view before choosing to extend activities in different nations? In what capacity may an association be viewed as moral and socially dependable in its nation of origin yet not in the new nation where they extended activities? By what method may an association balance differing perspectives on moral measures across societies? Give a case of a business presently tending to this issue and talk about any close to home experience you may have with these issues. In what manner may moral and social obligation issues, for example, network administration or naturally capable practices, influence an association's tasks in various areas of the US? What should an association consider while extending tasks to Omaha, Nebraska; Santa Monica, California; Montgomery, Alabama; and Detroit, Michigan? Select two from the rundown to talk about i n your reaction. Should an organization fluctuate its moral and socially dependable strategic approaches in various locales, even f laws which direct the organization's tasks stay reliable across regions?Why or why not? What positive and negative results may result from the decision the organization makes about its moral and socially mindful strategic policies in various locales? ; Imagine you are the promoting chief for an item you utilize day by day, similar to gourmet espressos paper towels, and you are chosen to acquaint the item with another worldwide market. What moral
Monday, July 13, 2020
Welcome to the All New MindMeister 6.0 - Focus
Welcome to the All New MindMeister 6.0 - Focus Please note: this article was last updated in 2011. For the latest MindMeister product news, please visit the product updates section on our blog. We’re very happy to bring you the newest iteration of MindMeister! This is by far our largest and most substantial product redesign since our launch in early 2007. Many of you have already added your thoughts about the new design over on our Facebook community, as well as on Twitter. If you havent done so already, please join us, and let us know what you think, good or bad! In addition to a fresh visual makeover, we’ve also added a number of new features based on extensive customer feedback and requests, as well as our own usability studies. Top Ten New Features of MindMeister 6.0: 1. Completely redesigned UI Focus on ease of use, simplicity, friendliness and consistency with client apps (iOS, Android), using latest HTML5 and CSS3 technology. Learn more 2. Share via link Ability to share maps quickly via unique links that can be shared via email / IM / Twitter, using the new URL shortener. Learn more 3. Export to .docx / .pptx New, highly customizable export functions to MS Word and PowerPoint, including features such as title pages, table of contents and image export. Learn more 4. Seamless zooming, auto-fit map Up to 20 zoom levels for smooth and high performance zooming, option to fit embedded maps to frame size. Learn more 5. New map themes 12 gorgeous new map themes including gradients, shadows, and background-images. Learn more 6. Keep-aligned feature Optimize the space usage of maps by keeping them aligned at all times no more gaps between branches, no more endless repositioning. Learn more 7. Map drawing enhancements Beziér connections now have adjustable axes and live line drawing when dragging. Learn more 8. Import multiple files via drag drop You can now upload your entire maps library (MindManager or Freemind) in one swift operation. Learn more 9. Midas Touch feature Users of the new Business plan can turn other users into Pro users by just sharing a map with them â€" they will be able to enjoy all Pro features such as attachments and images, plus the map won’t count towards their free maps limit. Learn more 10. About 200 further enhancements Multiple team admins, forced SSL setting, map list filters, new combined settings dialog, auto-number subnodes, fast map loading and display, show/hide scrollbars setting, key shortcuts for dialogs, new share dialog with tokenizer, import zip files, faster offline mode, rewritten Twitter tools, improved map filtering, better public maps view and search, export directly from map list, ability to change payment info, view billing history, completely rewritten online help, and many more. Learn more As with any new design implementation, we’ve undergone extensive beta testing, but we’re still looking to you to let us know about any issues you may experience with the new MindMeister. Likewise, stay tuned, as we’ll soon be releasing a new series of tutorials, helping you to get the very best out of the new MindMeister experience. Welcome to the future of collaboration!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Impact Of Malnutrition On Guatemala And Its Effects On...
The Impact of Malnutrition in Guatemala Most children in Guatemala at the age of five begin to suffer from malnourishment while in other countries such as the U.S. children suffer from obesity. In Guatemala, half of all the children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnourishment. It is the largest economy in Central America and also the most populous country in the region. Even so, many members of Guatemala remain minimally active in the economy and live in poverty (Guatemala s government 1). Guatemala is rich in agricultural yet they don t feed their own people. According to the World Food Programme in 2009 Guatemala ranked 133 out of 187 countries in the Human Development Index of 2012 (1). The HDI is a system used to rank countries on their overall achievements economically and socially. Guatemala faces a food insecurity crisis due to droughts. The global economic crisis has reduced exports, foreign investments, tourism revenues and access to credit thereby increasing the government s budget deficit and unemployment. The rise in the price of agricultural inputs has reduced the availability of subsidized fertilizers (1). Farmers are affected but not as much as families. Due to the crisis families are restricted to the access of food. In comparison to the United States families are less likely to face these crisis because they receive help from Welfare, Medicaid and Medicare. Feed the Future reports that Guatemala has tremendous agricultural production, leadingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Nutrition And Supportive Environment1526 Words  | 7 Pagesspecific, within 1000 days of period between conception to 2nd Birthday of child(1), the global movement of The First Thousand Days has started in 2010 in Washington DC. (2) The effect of receiving sufficient nutrients and support during this 1000 days opportunity window does not end at 2 years of age but does have long-term impact.(2). It is very important to have enough nutrition and supportive environment in the early childhood since it is a period where the vital development is growing. (3) It canRead MoreEl Salvadors Impact On The United States1381 Words  | 6 PagesThe area that is currently El Salvador was originally comprised of 3 vast indigenous states and various territories. The Pipils, indigenous occupants who settled in present day Mexico, are a nomadic people that originated from Nahua. The Lencas settled and represented the eastern district while the Mayan the Chortis occupied the North zone of the Lempa Hi River. In 1524, Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado neglected to seize area in light of the Pipil warriors. Be that as it may, in 1525 heRead MoreEl Salvador s Impact On The United States1381 Words  | 6 PagesThe area that is currently El Salvador was originally comprised of 3 vast indigenous states and various territories. The Pipils, indigenous occupants who settled in present day Mexico, are a nomadic people that originated from Nahua. The Lencas settled and represented the eastern district while the Mayan the Chortis occupied the North zone of the Lempa Hi River. In 1524, Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado neglected to seize area in light of the Pipil warriors. Be that as it may, in 1525 heRead MoreIran Contra Affair Essays1707 Words  | 7 PagesThe Iran-Contra scandal had a big effect on the United States but it had a huge effect on Nicaragua. Through out 1985-86, the Reagan administration was selling weapons to Iran illegally in order to encourage Iran to free hostages in the Middle East. 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It was also known as phthisis and consumption from Hippocrates through to the 18th century1, the white death4, the great white plague5 during the 19th century, and other names which evoked the despair and horrorRead MorePabasa Sa Nutrisyon: It’s Effect on the Level of Knowledge of Mothers Nutritional Status of 0-6 Years Old Children7310 Words  | 30 PagesUniversity of the Philippines-Manila School of Health Sciences Department of Medicine PABASA SA NUTRISYON: IT’S EFFECT ON THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF MOTHERS NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 0-6 YEARS OLD CHILDREN A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila, School of Health Sciences Palo, Leyte In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Medicine By: Felicilda, Maybelle S. Paganpan, Mary Michelle R. Venus, MerryRead More The Relationship Between Lack of Education and Poverty Essay1927 Words  | 8 Pagesfrom succeeding in today’s competitive global economy. Where does the fine line of poverty stand? In the United States of America, children who live on less than $18,000 a year are considered to be living in poverty while in various other countries, children who live on less than $2 a day are considered to be living in poverty. Poverty is defined as the condition of being poor or the state of having little goods or means of support. In both the cases of children living on less than $18,000 a yearRead MoreUndernutrition10134 Words  | 41 Pagescampaignersâ€â€from Greenpeace toNaomi Kleinâ€â€have derided efforts to use golden rice to avoid vitamin A deficiency. In India, Vandana Shiva, an environmental activist and adviser to the government, called golden rice â€Å"a hoax†that is â€Å"creating hunger and malnutrition, not solving it.†The New York Times Magazine reported in 2001 that one would need to â€Å"eat 15 pounds of cooked golden rice a day†to get enough vitamin A. What was an exaggeration then is demonstrably wrong now. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Civil War Paper - 832 Words
Emily Keepers History Final May 7, 2012 Final Paper The North and South differed greatly economically. The southern communities were still lagging behind, relying on slave labor to keep their plantations producing. They made their money through farming and plantation work. There were a few that held a majority of the money. These people were the elite plantation owners. Pierce Butler, for example, owned Butler Island and was one of the wealthiest plantation owners. The South also followed the Culture of Deference. They believed that God put them in their places on purpose and that they should follow as He had planned. They relied on the bible to justify slavery. The northern communities, on the other hand, wanted change. They were†¦show more content†¦The southern communities were left in shambles. Slavery was ended because of fear of revolt and the possibility they could team up with the Native Americans and go on a killing spree. The fourteenth amendment to the Constitution set this point in history. Sadly, reconstruction was a complete failure. The Freedman’s Bureau lasted for only seven years, and with the northerners â€Å"waving the bloody shirt,†the southerners just wanted them to get out of their territory. The reconstruction finally ended with the Compromise of 1877. With this compromise, a Republican became president, even though the Democratic candidate won, and the northerners left the southern lands. The plantations began to go under without the free labor, and the newly freed slaves were homeless with no money or place to live. With some begging, Andrew Jackson agreed to give the plantation owners their land back. The former slaves returned to their plantations and now tried sharecropping. Against their liking, the children had to continue working the fields. Things continue this way until the Civil Rights Movement many years later. The Native American participation in the Civil War was very unique. The treaty party, or the Pro-removal Indians, saw expansion as inevitable. They were made of â€Å" mixed bloods†or part Indian, part European, and we assimilated into the white man’s culture. Many were actually plantation owners with slaves. They signed an illegalShow MoreRelatedSe Civil War Paper2483 Words  | 10 PagesSean Prell Civil War paper The Civil War was started on April 12, 1861 when Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter. About 620,000 young men lost their lives during the Civil War due to combat, accident, starvation and disease. (Civil War Facts Pg1) Two-thirds of these men died from disease. The theory of Germs had not been accepted by doctors yet and modern day antiseptics back then did not exist to prevent the spread of bacteria. This is the most men lost in combat in our nation’sRead MoreAmerican Civil War Research Paper1118 Words  | 5 PagesThe deadliest war in American history is known as the American Civil War killing nearly 620,000 soldiers and a mass amount of civilians. The War Between the States was fought between Southern slave states and the United States federal government. Southern states formed a group called the Confederacy, which went against the beliefs of the Union. Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America and Abraham Lincoln sought different views on slaver y. Lincoln believed that all slaves should beRead MoreIndustrialization After the Civil War Research Paper1321 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment 1.2: Research Paper Industrialization after the Civil War Shana Dukes History 105 Professor Tracey M. 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Marketing Plan for a New Hospital Free Essays
string(100) " company and embassy make sure that we donnot need to worry about the resource of target customers\." Abstract This paper is talking about a marketing plan for Amcare hospital. Amcare hospital is a brand new private hospital in Beijing  the capital of China. Nowadays China has more than 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan for a New Hospital or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 billion people, in Beijing there are about 20 millions residents, compared with such a large population base, the medical resources are quite limited, which means there are great potential opportunity for a new hospital. In this marketing plan, i demonstrate the mission statement of Amcare hospital, described the target market, analyze the SWOT and STEER of this new hospital, finally there are sales projections about the best and the worst case scenario. 1 Mission statement Amcare Hospital is dedicated to providing professional, comprehensive, tailored healthcare services to our patients. Amcare Hospital will assess the healthcare needs of patients and respond to these needs. 2 Executive Summary Who are we? Amcare hospital is a private hospital operated in an American way, this is the first meaning for Amcare, it is totally different with China’s local hospital, we pay more attention to our service and environment, although family healthcare is a new concept in China, our goal is to be the best family healthcare center. What we do? Provide tailored healthcare service is our mission, we always try to satisfy our patients and their family’s needs. We are not only focus on cure illnesses, we also try to help the community maintain healthy. Expanded Description 3. 1 Service Amcare hospital will provides medical services for routine health matters, on-going health conditions, and well-woman gynecological services. Besides this, we also offer humanization and individuation service to the patients. For example, in our pediatric department we supply American immunization schedule for those family just stay in China for a short time. Except these special medical service, we accept international insurance direct billing. Through our advanced appointment system, patient just need a call to to make a appointment which is different with China’s local hospital. 3. 2 Family healthcare Family healthcare is a brand new concept in China. Family Healthcare is a comprehensive, primary care that provides excellent medical and dental care to anyone and everyone who needs it. In simple terms, Amcare hospital is not a specialist hospital, we have medicine, dental, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatric, physical check-up department. 3. 3 Environment In Amcare hospital, all the wards are single room with bath room inside, according to size and facility, there are three different types for patients:standard room, family room, VIP room. For example,i n family room there is an extra bed for family members. If without those medical equipment, our hospital totally like a hotel. 4 Market description 4. 1 Target market Target market means a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Target customers are those who most likely to buy. For Amcare hospital, target customers are three different groups. The first one is foreigners, according to the bureau of statistics of beijing, at the end of 2011, there about 100,000 American and European, 200,000 Koreans and 20. 000 Japanese live in Beijing. The second group is employees in multinational companies and the last group is overseas returnees. 4. 2 Needs of target customers As i mentioned above, our target customers are those kinds who received high education and good income, the characteristics of these groups are they have higher requirement about service and environment and pay less attention to price. 5 Competition According to target market, those local hospital in Beijing are not our competitors, our mainly competitor is United family hospital, this is the first private hospital in Beijing was opened in 1997, through more than ten years effort, they earn an excellent reputation in beijing’s market, but there is a significant weakness, the price are extremely high, the ordinary white-collar cannot afford such a high price. There are some other small international clinics only works on special area, so the competition is not very tough. 6 Distribution Channel 6. 1 Media For a brand new hospital, we will use social media such as TV, magazines, internet to promote our hospital, advertising is most effective when customer awareness about a service is minimal. 6. 2 Corporation membership In terms of China’s rapid growth of economic and large population, there are many multinational set up branch company or office in Beijing, so we could cooperate with those corporation, give some discounts to their staff. 6. 3 Insurance membership Membership benefits all the participants, we could work on both domestic and international insurance company. SWOT Analysis 7. 1 Strengths The strengths of Amcare hospital are good and comfortable environment, professional and patient-oriental service, less expensive price. Compared with local hospital, our service are much better, compared with out mainly competitor, our price are more attractive. 7. 2 Weaknesses For a new business, no unified corporate culture is the first weakness we should overcome, corporate cultur e reflects the core value of that company and is the guideline for what they should do and how to do. All of our staff are hired from different hospital with different background, we need at least one year to forming a stable team with Amcare style. The second weakness is lack of market recognition, people does not know who we are, and weather we do supple a professional medical service, no one wants to take adventure with their health. 7. 3 Opportunities China’s medical market was controlled by government for a long time, until now nearly 95% local hospital are still state-owned. Only recently years foreigner investment and private investment are allowed to come into medical market, at the same time, aging population increased day by day, there is great demand of medical service. To some extent nowadays we call healthcare industry are sunrise industry which shows the great potential market opportunity. Another opportunity for Amcare hospital is location, we located in the capital, many transnational company and embassy make sure that we donnot need to worry about the resource of target customers. You read "Marketing Plan for a New Hospital" in category "Papers" 7. 4 Threats Not only in China, many countries confronted with enormous challenges from aging population, there are is great demand of skilled nurse and doctors. Every year, many other countries come to China to hire nurse who can speak English, we called this brain drain, this phenomenon will lead our hospital more difficult to hired quified workers and increased our labor cost. Another threats is black sheep syndrome, there are some private hospital located in southern part of China, there are use false information cheating customers in order to earn more money, after broadcasting by medial, people will lack confidence about private hospital. STEER Analysis 8. 1 Socio-Culture impact In China, especially those old age group donnot trust private hospital, i want through our effort, people turn to have a positive impression about private hospital, we are caring more about our service and our patient’s satisfaction than our profits. 8. 2 Technology Few industries are more greatly affected by technology than health care. Technology refers to the innovations or inventions from applied science and research. As new technology enters the market, the existing products or service are pushed out. For my new hospital, one of the most important is our patients information system, through this system we share the information with front desk, nurse station, doctor office lab and some other support departments, this is an elemental factor that make sure we provide our service effectively. 8. 3 Ecological Requirement When mentioned hospital, people always connect with these words: virous, bacterial, infectious. Amcare hospital will set up a special department to control asepsis, our orientation is to be an environment-friendly hospital. 8. 4 Economic Potential Nowadays in China, because of the aging population and large population base, medical industry considered to be sunrise industry. If a hospital achieve the commitments to their patients, there will be a great economic potential. 8. 5 Regulation factor Regulation consists of the rules or restrictions placed on hospital by central or state governments. Within health care, there is a wide array of regulations pertaining to the delivery of care. In China, there are many detailed regulations about a hospital how to pricing, distribution and promotion. What we can do is just government compliance. 9 Benchmarks 9. 1 New patients rates Through diversity marketing tools, attract customers to come to our hospital is not difficult, but how to change the trial purchase to be repeat volume is what we should work on. In the first year, if our new patients rate keep increasing10% every month can be considered customers accredit what we have done. 9. 2 Satisfaction rates From the very beginning, we will conduct our patient satisfaction survey, the basic requirement of satisfaction rates should above 96%. 9. 3 JCI certification JCI is short for joint commission international, is one of the groups providing international healthcare accreditation services to hospitals round the world and brings income into the U. S. -based parent organization. This not-for-profit private company currently accredits hospitals in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South America. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized worldwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain perf ormance standards. Now in China, only 15 hospitals got this certification, until at the end of 2012,untied family hospital is the only private hospital passed JCI accreditation. If my hospital could pass JCI certification, it will be a milestone in Amcare’s history. 10 Customer service 10. 1 Policy Our customer service policy is treat every customer with equal respect and be flexible to satisfy there needs. 10. 2 Organization Customer service organization composed of three groups: assistant, representative, manager. Assistant will be responsible for paper work and do some basic job, this position will supply for those just graduate from school and do not have much experience about customer service. Representative are mainly responsible for maintain relationship with customers, every customer in Amcare will have their own customer service representative, no matter what kind of problem they meet, their representative will take care of their issues. The highest lever is manager, this position will control the whole department and deal with complain. 11 Sales projections 11. 1 Best case scenario As the above graphic showing, the best case scenario is both the total number of patient and new patients keeps growing. The estimate maximum point will come be 360 after one and half year’s effort. 1. 2 Worst case scenario this is the worst case scenario, for a hospital, patient is everything. Without continuous new patients, a hospital is not far from closed. Conclusion Open a new business is not easy, especially my dream is open a hospital provide medical service. this marketing plan includes many things from understanding my target market ,what our target customer needs and my co mpetitive position in that market, to how can i intend to reach that market and differentiate Amcare from our competitor in order to make a sale. Due to China’s rapid economic growth and large population, this market full of opportunities, but as a new one in this market, Amcare hospital still face lots of challenges. Bibliography Actual and projected percentage of people above 65 in China (partial data from Leeder et al. , Columbia University, 2005) http://www. jointcommission. org/about_us/about_the_joint_commission_main. aspx http://www. zaijiuye. net/html/2011-1/20111231307381. htm Essentials of Health Care Marketing; By Eric N. Berkowitz, Second Edition; Published by Jones Bartlett Publishers, 2006; ISBN 0763783501, 9780763783501 http://www. famhealthcare. rg/ http://beijing. ufh. com. cn/en/home/about-us/ http://wenku. baidu. com/view/fe4aa24433687e21af45a90d. html â€Å"Healthcare Compliance 360 | HIPAA Compliance | Policy Management | JCAHO Accreditation†. Compliance360. com. Retrieved October 17, 2011. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical Records and Health Information Technicians, on the Internet at http://www. bls. gov/ooh/healthcare/medical-records-and-health-information-technicians. htm Simmons J. Primary Care Needs New Innovations to Meet Growing Demands. HealthLeaders Media, May 27, 2009. How to cite Marketing Plan for a New Hospital, Papers
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The language of Romeo and Juliet is some of the most beautiful ever written Essay Example
The language of Romeo and Juliet is some of the most beautiful ever written Essay The language of Romeo and Juliet is some of the most beautiful ever written. Compare and contrast the romantic language used by Romeo with the more prosaic language used by Juliets nurse. Your answer should include references to literary and dramatic traditions of the Elizabethan stage and a sound knowledge of the historical and cultural context of the play as a whole.Romeo and Juliet is a powerful love story written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500s. It is well known throughout the world for its romantic scenes, interesting language and tragic ending. More is known about William Shakespeare than any other professional dramatist of his time.He was born in 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, he is traditionally said to have been born on 23rd April. He had five brothers of which one died young, and his parents were called John and Mary. In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and in later years they had three children.He started his professional career in the late 1500s and, until h is death on April 23rd 1616, he wrote many extremely popular plays, sonnets and poems. His plays usually could be divided into three categories, comedy, tragedy and War. Romeo and Juliet is unquestionably a tragedy.Romeo and Juliet has universal values to many people of our time and is often thought of as one of Shakespeares best ever works. It contains many styles of Shakespeares language, and the language of that time. It is a classic Shakespeare love story involving various recurring themes such as conflict, fate, love and marriage.Shakespeare used five styles of writing in his plays, which were common with other playwrights too. These were Poetic Verse, Blank Verse, Prose or Sonnet. These were the styles of language at that time, the more educated of the people tended to speak about something for a lot longer than needed, but that was just what it was like at the time, whereas the more ordinary people spoke in more plain language and rarely had big speeches.Poetic Verse was ofte n used to signal the end of scenes like a curtain call or for the highest dramatic effect. Take, for example, this rhyming speech from Romeo:Romeo: O she doth teach the torches to burn brightIt seems she hangs upon the cheek of nightLike a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear;Beauty too rich for use, for earth to dear.(Act 1 Scene 5, lines 43-46)Poetic verse was only ever used by the more educated, important characters of the play e.g. Romeo and McBeth.Blank Verse was unrhymed and intended to represent the rhythms of speech. It is usually used by noble characters who are given elevated speech to show their feelings and mood:Romeo: Is she a Capulet? O dear account, my life is my foes debt.(Act 1 Scene 5, lines 116-117)About 88% of the play is written in verse, and only 12% in prose. It is probably because at that time the audience would expect the actors of a tragedy to speak in verse. The poetic style was thought of as being particularly suitable for tragic themes and moments of high dramat ic or emotional intensity. In Romeo and Juliet, even the less educated characters like Juliets Nurse spoke in blank verse occasionally, which is unusual.Prose was ordinary language used by characters of all ranks. Uneducated characters tend to use it. It can also be used for comic exchanges between characters, for plot and development and for speech which lacks dramatic intensity:Romeo: Nurse, command me to thy lady and mistress. I, protest unto thee-Nurse: Good heart, and I faith, I will tell her as much. Lord, Lord, she will be a joyful woman.Romeo: What wilt thou tell her, Nurse? Thou dost not mark meNurse: I will tell her sir, that you do protest, which as I take it is a gentlemanlike offer.Romeo: Bid her deviseSome means to come to shrift this afternoon, And there she shall at Friar Lawrence cell be shrived and married. Here is for thy pains.Nurse: No truly sir, not a penny.(Act 2 Scene 4, lines 172-183)Through looking at that short extract you can clearly that Romeo is the mor e educated of the two, and which is using the Prose and which is using Blank Verse.Sonnets are fourteen lined poems with an a-b a-b-c rhyming pattern, and the last word of the last two lines always rhyme. Sonnets should always have ten syllables each line. They are not used as much as other styles in Romeo and Juliet but they can be used to signify that something important is happening. The prologue of the play is a sonnet.Iambic Pentameter is a type of blank verse, it is spoken a lot in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare was taught about it at school. It is used often in the romantic speeches by Romeo and sometimes to create effects of shock and tragedy. In Shakespeares earlier plays such as Richard III, Iambic Pentameter was very regular in rhythm (often expressed as de-DUM de-DUM de-DUM de-DUM de-DUM). An example of Iambic Pentameter in Romeo and Juliet is in the balcony scene:Romeo: O speak again, bright angel, for thou artAs glorious to this night, being oer my head,As is a winged m essenger of heavenUnto the white-unturned wondring eyesOf mortals that fall back to gaze on himShakespeare uses figures of speech, that is imagery or word pictures, to either say more about points made in dialogue and action, reinforce and enhance the audiences ideas of the characters, or magnify or draw attention to themes in the text.To do this he uses similes, personification, metaphors, motifs, extended metaphors, alliteration, hyperbole, anthesis, lists, repetition and oxymorons.Similes are comparisons using as or like. For example, the moon is like a balloon. Shakespeare used similes a lot, mainly for Romeos romantic speeches and occasionally in other characters descriptive speeches. In Romeo and Juliet, an example of a simile is where Romeo and Juliet are talking about marriage:Juliet: Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be ere one can say it lightens'(Act 2 Scene 2, lines 119-120)Personification is giving human feelings to animals or inanimate objects. It is used to build dramatic effect. For example:Juliet: Come, gentle night. Come, loving, black-browed night, give me my Romeo.Metaphors are stronger comparisons saying something is like something else. For example, the moon is a balloon. Like similes, Shakespeare used metaphors a lot in romantic speeches to make it seem as if true love has been found. An example in Romeo and Juliet is where Romeo is waiting at Juliets balcony for her to come out when he hears her voice and says this:Romeo: O speak again bright angelHe is implying that Juliet is an angel.Oxymorons are words or phrases that you would not expect to see yoked together to cause an effect. They are used by Shakespeare to make certain scenes as dramatic as possible, and he used them mainly in tragedies. As soon as Juliet hears that Tybalt, her cousin, has been killed by Romeo her grief and outrage is tempered by her disbelief that Romeo could carry out such a deed:Juliet: Fiend angelical, dove-feathered raven, wolvish ravening lamb, A damned saint, an honourable villain!(Act 3 Scene 2, lines 75-79)Oxymorons were used a lot in Elizabethan times, and you can see that Romeo and Juliet exaggerate the use of oxymorons in some of their meaningful lines, and in some cases Romeo parodies them.Motifs are characters, themes or designs, which recur throughout a text. For example, hatred and love are motifs in Romeo and Juliet.Alliteration is a figure of speech in which a number of words close to each other begin with the same sound. For example:When the sun sets the earth doth drizzle dew.Alliteration helps to draw attention to these words and can be used to make dramatic effect.Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration, for dramatic effect. For example when Juliet thinks that the Nurse is saying that Romeo is dead, she says:Juliet: What devil art thou that dost torment me thus? This torture should be roared in dismal hell.Anthesis is the opposition of words or phrases against each other, as in Heres much to do with hate, but more with love (Act 1 Scene 1, line 166). The setting of word against word (hate verses love, light verses dark) is one of Shakespeares favourite language devices as it powerfully expresses conflict.Repetition runs through the play and adds to its dramatic impact. The two words used most frequently in Romeo and Juliet are love (over 130 times) and death (around 70 times). The repetition is a clear indication of a plays major themes or concerns.One of Shakespeares favourite language methods is to accumulate words or phrases similar to a list. To do this he piles up item on item, incident on incident, this intensifies the atmosphere. An example of a list in Romeo and Juliet is where Juliet defies Lord Capulet about getting married to Paris:Lord Capulet: Gods bread, it makes me mad! Day, night, work, play,Alone, in company, still my care hath beenTo have her matched(Act 3 Scene 5, lines 176-178In this paragraph I am going to compare Act 1, Scene 3, where the Nurse, Juliet, and Lady Cap ulet talk about Juliet getting married, and the Nurse and Lady Capulet argue over how old Juliet actually is, with Act 1, Scene 4, where Romeo and Mercutio talk about Romeos love life, and Mercutio tells Romeo he doesnt have to go for Rosaline because there are other beautiful girls out there.Act 1, Scene 3Nurse: Now by my maidenhood-at twelve years old- I bade her to come. What lamb! What lady-bird! God forbid! Wheres this girl? What Juliet!This is the Nurse wondering where Juliet is, and shouting for her in Elizabethan swearing, calling Juliet an insulting name.Nurse: Ill lay fourteen of my teeth, And yet to my teen be it spoken, I have but four, She is not fourteen. How long is it now To Lammas-tide?The Nurse is pondering over how old Juliet is, counting over the years in her head, and trying to remember if Juliet was born near any important events.Nurse: Even or odd, of all days in the year, Come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen. Susan and she-God rest all Christian sou ls- Were of an age.The Nurse assures herself that Juliet is thirteen and her birthday is coming up soon, and she remembers her dead daughter Susan who died young and would have been a similar age to Juliet.Nurse: Of all the days of the year, upon that day. For I had then laid wormwood to my dug, Sitting in the sun under the dove-house wall.The Nurse then starts to mumble on about when Juliet was a baby and how she used to breast-feed Juliet in the garden, she is deliberately trying to embarrass her. The speech from line 16-48 is in blank verse which is unusual for someone of the Nurses stature.Act 1, Scene 4Romeo: Give me a torch, I am not for this ambling. Being but heavy, I will bear the light.Romeo tells Mercutio to give him a light because he cant see anything in the dark.Romeo: Not I, believe me, you have dancing shoesWith nimble soles, I have a soul of leadSo stakes me to the ground I cannot move.He says, No, believe me! I cant dance, you go ahead, Im too depressed.Romeo: I am too sore empierced with his shaft, To soar with his light feathers; and so bound, I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe. Under loves heavy burden I sink.Romeo is so depressed that Rosaline doesnt like him that he just wants to sit alone, and think about what he has done wrong.Romeo: Is love a tender thing? Is it too rough, Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.This is an example of a phrase that you would never hear the Nurse say. It is complicated to analyse, and Romeo could have said what he said in more simple English, but if he did always speak like the Nurse then it would make the play less interesting. He is despairing over the fact that Rosaline doesnt love him and that she has supposedly broken his heart, and he is complaining that love is rough and always hurts those who fall in love.From analysing these two Scenes you can see already that Romeo is the more educated and richer of the two just from the way he talks. He tends to more words than necessary, and co mplicated language to understand while the Nurse uses ordinary, simple to understand language and often swears.In this paragraph I will be comparing Act 2 Scene 2, one of the most romantic scenes of play at Juliets balcony, with Act 2 Scene 4, where the Nurse comes looking for Romeo to tell him about the arrangements of the marriage to Juliet, but the young Montagues tease her mercilessly.Act 2 Scene 2Romeo: He jests at scars that never felt a wound.But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.Arise fair sum and kill the envious moon,Who is already sick and pale with griefThat thou her maid art far more fair than she.Be not her maid since she is envious.Her vestal livery is but sick and green,And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.Translating this speech into modern English, Romeo says, He makes fun of injuries that didnt hurt. Whats that light at the window, is it Juliet? It is, and she is as bright as the Sun. Wake up and come over he re to see me, because I miss you already and am suffering all the time Im not with you. Haha, as if her maid is more beautiful than her, she is just jealous, she is green with jealousy; she is silly to be jealous.He starts off by saying how much he loves Juliet and how beautiful she is, then he goes on about how the nurse is Jealous of Juliets looks because he thinks that the Nurse will tell Lord or Lady Capulet about Romeos love.The first two lines are one of the most well known in the whole play and contain beautiful romantic language containing personification written in blank verse. There would be very few people of that time who could speak as romantically as Romeo in that speech.Act 2 Scene 4Nurse: I pray to you sir, what saucy merchant was this that was so full of his ropery?She is saying then, well mister, who is this guy so full of himself?Nurse: And a speak any thing against me, Ill take him down, an a were lustier than he is, and twenty such Jacks; and if I cannot, Ill fi nd those that shall. Scurvy knave, I am none of his flirt-gills, I am nine of his skins-mates.She is furious that Mercutio, Benvolio and Romeo were mocking her, and she threatens to attack them if they do it again, and if she cant beat them up, she says shell get someone who will (meaning the Capulets).Nurse: Now afore God I am so vexed, that every part about me quivers. Scurvy knave! Pray you sir a word and as I told you, my young lady bade me inquire you out. What she bade me say, I will keep to myself. But first let me tell ye, if ye should lead her into a fools paradise, as they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour, as they say; for the gentleman is young, and therefore if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing.The Nurse gives Romeo a warning about treating Juliet properly. She even threatens him in a way, and speaks very angrily to look after her and not dare to two-time her. That speech was all in prose.Those two passages from Romeo and the Nurse were very different. They were both about the same person, Juliet, yet spoken in very different ways. Romeo used extremely romantic blank verse, while the Nurse used aggressive Prose to prove her point. There were quite a few language devices in the little part of Romeos speech I picked out, e.g. personification, and if I picked out more there would have been even more poetic devices, but in the Nurses speech there were none.Again you can see that Romeo is romantic and well educated with his flowing language, and the Nurse is just a simple townsperson of that time. You can imagine a lower-class Nurse swearing and threatening people, but you cant really imagine a higher-class one doing it.In this paragraph I will look at the Nurse and Romeos conversation in Act 2 Scene 4, where they talk about when Romeo and Juliet will get secretly married, and I will compare the way they talk.Romeo: Nurse, commend me to thy mistress. I, protest unto thee-Nurse: Good heart, and I faith, I will tell her as much. Lord, Lord, she will be a joyful womanRomeo: What wilt thou tell her, Nurse? Thou dost not mark meNurse: I will tell her sir, that you do protest, which as I take it is a gentlemanlike offer.Romeo: Bid her deviseSome means to come to shift this afternoon, And there she shall at Friar Lawrence cell be shrivelled and married. Here is for thy pains.Nurse: No truly sir, not a penny.Romeo: Go to, I say you shall.Nurse: This afternoon sir? Well, she shall be thereIt starts off with Nurse teasing Romeo about not passing on the message from Juliet, but Romeo manages to persuade her to say it. They arrange a time and a place for the wedding and then afterwards have a little chat about Juliet.Romeo always seems to use words such as dost, thou and wilt whereas nurse uses simple language similar to what we would use today. There were not any poetic devices in that short passage that I could see, but Romeo still uses more complex language, maybe to show the Nurse that he is the right man for Juliet. He often talked slightly more casual to friends but not always. The Nurse seemed to talk in the same way to everyone no matter how high their position. She was even saying things that would be considered as swearing today in front of her boss Lady Capulet.In the final comparison paragraph, I will look at the way Romeo reacts when he thought Juliet was dead, Act 5 Scene 1, and the way the Nurse reacts, Act 4 Scene 5.Act 4 Scene 5When the Nurse goes to wake Juliet and finds she doesnt wake she says:Nurse: Mistress! What, mistress! Juliet! Fast, I warrant her. She-Why lamb, why lady-fie you slug a bed! Why love I say! Madam! Sweet-heart! Why bride! What, not a word? You take your pennyworths now. Sleep for a week; for the next night I warrant, the County Paris hath set up his rest, that you shall rest but little. God forgive me. Marry, and amen. How sound is she asleep! I must needs wake her. Madam, madam, madam! A y, let the County take you in your bed. Hell frighten you up I faith. Will it not be? What, dressed, and in your clothes, and down again? I must needs to wake you. Lady, lady, lady! Alas, alas, help, help, my ladys dead! O weraday that ever I was born! Some aqua vitae ho! My lord! My lady!The Nurse is in a state of shock and blurts out anything that comes to her head. She doesnt believe she is dead so she shouts and shouts but Juliet does not wake. She says about Juliet getting married soon and that she cant miss that, then she yells for Lord and Lady Capulet who are also horrified at the news.This was another one of the Nurses speeches in blank verse, and doesnt contain beautiful flowing language, but frantic shouting and yelling, with a lack of poetic devices again, which is not uncommon with the Nurses speeches.And of course the Nurse had no idea about what Romeo and Juliet were planning and was understandably distraught with the fact that someone who she had brought up for all t hose years had suddenly died.Act 5 Scene 1After Romeo had just had a dream that he died and Juliet brought him back to life with kiss Balthasar arrived from Verona and told Romeo that Juliet was dead. Romeo replied like this:Romeo: Is it even so? Then I defy you, stars. Thou knowest my lodging, get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses; I will hence tonight.Romeo doesnt believe Balthasar and decides to send a letter to the Friar to find out if this is true. Balthasar tells him to be patient.Romeo: Tush, thou art deceived. Leave me, and do the thing I bid thee do. Hast thou no letters to me from the friar?Romeo starts to believe Balthasar and wonders why the friar has sent no letter to him. He tells Balthasar to go.Romeo: No matter. Get thee gone, And hire those horses; Ill be with thee straight. (to Balthasar)Well Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. Lets see for means. O mischief thou art swift to enter in the thought of desperate men. I do remember an apothecary- (to himself)Rom eo now believes that Juliet has died and is determined to go and see her. He then thinks that there is no point in living without Juliet so he thinks about asking an apothecary for some poison so he can die with dignity beside Juliet.The reactions of the Nurse and Romeo were similar and yet completely different. What I mean by this is that the Nurse and Romeo both were in denial when they were first told, but both had completely different reactions after that. The Nurse started shouting and yelling and trying to wake Juliet, and was obviously devastated. However Romeo, firstly asked to send a letter to Verona completely calmly, then suddenly he decided that life wasnt worth living without Juliet and wanted to kill himself next to Juliet.There were no examples there of Romeos romantic language, but he still managed to keep his cool and speak in verse, whereas the Nurse started ranting and raving in shock.In this essay I have compared the romantic language of Romeo with the more basic of Juliets Nurse. There is unquestionably a difference, which I have proven in my comparison paragraphs.I have discovered that Romeo is the more relaxed character, and the Nurse more eccentric.I have noticed that Romeo is more polite and well mannered, and that the Nurse can be quite rude and swears, but this was like a normal person of Elizabethan times.I have compared the way the two reacted to Juliets death, the way they spoke when they talked to each other, the way the two spoke to other people and the way they spoke to people of authority, with a difference every time. In some ways, the Nurse and Romeo couldnt be more different.My opinion is that Shakespeare makes the Nurse like she is because rich Elizabethan mothers wouldnt want to do all the hard work of bringing up a child and the Nurse is there to support Juliet, and to act as a friend to her. She speaks in basic language that you would expect to hear people of the time saying, and doesnt change the way she speaks for any one.Romeo, on the other hand, is one of the main characters of the play famous for his beautiful romantic language throughout the play. His roles are to fall in love, to get married and to kill himself, and if those things never happened, then the play would never be as good. Romeo has a constant effect on the play and appears in almost every act, mostly talking to Juliet or his friends but now and again speaking to elders.Shakespeare tries to give the impression that the Nurse is a silly old woman, and in many cases, an ugly one too. But he gives the impression that Romeo is a young, handsome, well-educated boy who is very romantic, and Shakespeare tries to make Romeo the most popular character in the play in my opinion. He does this by killing off Mercutio, who takes the attention off Romeo because of his comedy.All the characters of the play have a role, and without that role the play would be different, and most people think that the play should stay the same as it has for centu ries, including Romeo and Juliets Nurse.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How To Create A Website Using WordPress -
How To Create A Website Using WordPress How to Create a Website Using WordPress Not very long ago, the process of creating a website was quite complex. If you wanted a nice looking website where visitors would actually enjoy spending time, you had to master HTML, JavaScript, or other languages in order to build and launch a decent site. Your other option was to use an online website template. Unfortunately, the web sites generated using those were clunky and hard to navigate. Now, there is another option. WordPress is a utility that allows people to create professional looking blogs and websites without having to master any technical skills. In fact, creating a WordPress website is quite simple. If you are willing to learn a few tips and techniques, you could potentially have your own website up and running in just a few hours. First Things First: Get Signed Up To start, go to the WordPress website and get signed up. You’ll be able to set up a user account and choose password. You’ll also be able to choose the name of your website. WordPress gives you two options. The first is free, and will look like this: The other costs a nominal amount of money and looks like this: There are other more costly options if you want to set your website up as an e-commerce store. Now, Take a Look Around WordPress Once your profile has been created and you have selected your website name and title, take a look around your dashboard. This is where you will do all of the work required to keep your website up to date and running smoothly. If you cannot figure everything out, don’t worry. WordPress has plenty of tutorials. You can also submit questions to a customer service agent, or use their forums to find answers. Picking Your Theme Your theme is the thing that will give your website personality. If you are launching a personal or business website and you care about branding, it is very important to choose a theme that works for you. Remember though, you can customize themes by adding your own images and making other changes.  These include custom images, fonts, adding your own titles and headers, and colors. Start Writing With WordPress, you either write posts or you write pages. A post is like a blog post. When you publish a new post, that is what your visitors see, and your previous posts are pushed down the page. When you publish a page, that is appears in the same way a new page appears on a website. Remember that your website can have both posts and pages. For example, you may have a contact page, a home page, and a products page, but you may also have a blog page where you publish new posts. You can set up menus and navigation links to help your visitors find their way around your website. Check Out Some PlugIns PlugIns are nifty little utilities that you can use to make your WordPress website even better. PlugIns can be used to make your site load faster for visitors, help you manage user comments, publish your logo onto all of your pages, stream content from news feeds, and a variety of other helpful things. There are even plugins that will verify all of the links on your WordPress site so that you can fix any dead links and make sure the content that you link is still appropriate. If you can set up a WordPress website, you can use it for many things. You could launch that small business, or you could simply set up a website to launch your personal brand or discuss your interests. As always, if you need help with web content (remember you can count on us for more than helping you buy college essays online), our writers will be happy to assist.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Statistics Related to Fathers Day
Statistics Related to Fathers Day The history of the Fathers Day in the United States goes back over a century. In 1909 Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Washington thought of the idea of Father’s Day. After hearing a Mother’s Day sermon she thought it would be appropriate to also have a day honoring fathers. Her father, in particular, deserved recognition. William Smart, Sonora’s father, was a Civil War veteran, farmer, and widower who had raised six children. The third Sunday of Smart’s birth month of June 1910 was chosen by Spokane as the first Father’s Day. National recognition in the U.S. of Father’s Day took some time. It was not until 1966 when President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation commemorating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day that the holiday was officially recognized nationally. Six years later, in 1972 President Richard M. Nixon signed a law making Father’s Day a permanent fixture of the third week in June. The U.S. Census Bureau collects data on a wide variety of aspects of life in the U.S. They have several statistics relating to fathers. A few of these Fathers Day statistics follow below: Fathers Day Statistics There are approximately 152 million males in the United States. Of these about 46% (70 million) are fathers.About 16% (25 million) of all males in the U.S. had children younger than 18 in 2011.In 2011 there were 1.7 million single fathers. Of these men 5% were widowed, 19% were separated, 31% were never married and 45% were divorced.In 2011 there were approximately 176,000 stay-at-home dads. These were classified as married fathers who had been out of the workforce for over a year, with a wife who works outside the home. Approximately 332,000 children were cared for by these stay-at-home days, or on average, about 1.9 children per dad.In 2010 approximately 17% of all U.S. preschoolers were cared for by their father while mom was at work.As far as a gift goes for dad on Father’s Day, there are a number of options of items to buy and places to purchase a gift. All data is from the most recent year available, 2009:There were 7,708 men’s clothing stores in the U.S. where yo u could buy a tie.There were 15,734 hardware stores in the U.S. where you could buy an assortment of tools. Closely related to this gift category are the 6,897 home stores around the country.There were 21,628 sporting goods stores in the U.S., which stocked popular gifts such as fishing gear and golf clubs. Just over 79 million Americans reported eating at a barbecue in 2010. Due to Father’s Day falling during prime barbecue season, many of these people ate at a barbecue on the third Sunday of June. Happy Fathers Day to all fathers out there.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Patriot Act, Tittle II, Section 203 Term Paper
The Patriot Act, Tittle II, Section 203 - Term Paper Example These improvements on the Title II of the Patriot Act turned out to be key elements of national security investigations. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the positive impacts of the Patriot Act in fighting terrorism and drug trafficking. The Patriot Act, Title II, Section 203 Introduction Before the Patriot Act came into place, the U.S. intelligence authorities had some restrictions while conducting their investigations. Since its inception, the US has managed to prevent serious attacks such as the 9/11 attack on the American homeland. It is worth mentioning that the Patriot Act has had a lot of benefits that enhance the ability of US authorities to investigate, prevent, and prosecute terrorists. The Act came in place barely 43 days after the 9/11 attack so as to introduce policies that will help in fighting terrorism. After the attacks, the US citizens felt that they were vulnerable for more attacks, thus the need by the government to undertake quick measures (Scheppler, 2005 ). On the other hand, the US government felt that it was necessary to have detailed information on its own citizens and foreign visitors. Indeed, many were of the opinion that if the government had taken stringent measures, the 9/11 attacks would have been prevented. This resulted to the passage of the Patriot Act (Scheppler, 2005). The U.S.A. ... Provisions within the Patriot Act streamlined the way to conduct investigations on various crimes differently from the traditional way (Painter, 2011). The patriot Act introduced a number of measures that would help in fighting terrorism, as well as other forms of crimes. Some of the prescribed measures expired and were never renewed, but a majority of the prescribed measures became permanent. To date, serious crimes in the US are handled using guidelines provided in the Patriot Act. Furthermore, some provisions have been amended to strengthen them further. Since the passage of the Act, there have been remarkable improvements in dealing with serious crimes (Painter, 2011). Measures within the patriot Act The patriot Act enables the US intelligence authorities to apply surveillance tools to investigate on terrorism and drug trafficking. Before the Act came into place, intelligence authorities required court permits in order to use electronic surveillance tools for investigations. In a ddition, intelligence authorities could not use wiretaps fully in conducting certain investigations without court permits. Enactment of the patriot Act enabled intelligence authorities to acquire information on a wide range of acts of terror such as chemical weapons, financing terrorism, and presence of weapons of mass destruction (Doyle, 2002). The passage of the patriot Act allowed federal agents to make follow ups on highly organized terrorists who evade detection. For a long period, federal agents have applied the use of roving wiretaps in conducting investigations on ordinary crimes. The use of wiretaps requires authorization from federal judges in order to apply them in investigations.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Consumer Behaviour in the Gangster Subculture Essay
Consumer Behaviour in the Gangster Subculture - Essay Example However, in the internal contexts, diversity is a tool that enables organizations to learn more about the tastes and preferences of different cultures. The main objective of this paper, therefore, is to stress the impact of cultures and subcultures in determining the management strategies employed by organizations. Given that the topic of cultural diversity issues a wide array of consumption behaviours, this paper will delve into the gangster sub cultural consumption behaviours, looking at how the cultural and sub cultural factors contribute to this consumption trend. Besides, the paper will give a detailed analysis of the characteristics exhibited by consumers belonging to this segment, hence giving a guide on how to tailor production and management processes of an organization to suit the expectations of these consumers. Indeed, this paper issues designers and innovators an insight on how to assess the viability and potentiality of their projects and ideas, putting into perspective the need for organizations to widen their market share by attracting and retaining more customers. Culture represents the external part that influences the consumer tendencies or behaviours. In this case, cultures are a representation of the effect of other individuals on a personal consumer choice. Culture is an independent set of factors that are shaped based on the beliefs and knowledge of the society. Despite this, other factors constituting culture are irrelevant in other societies, as they do not reflect the beliefs or knowledge of that society. In understanding the lives of the people within a culture, subcultures play a pivotal role. Therefore, subcultures are a representation of minor groups within a culture (Solomon et al., 2014). Numerous beliefs and knowledge sum up to form a culture. In many cases, subcultures are linked to the youth, as they have various beliefs that aid in the formation of many sub-groups.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Our marriage may be over, but our family is not; doing what is best for the girls should be our most important priority. The first step to being a mature, responsible co-parent is to always put our children's needs ahead of our own. It is apparent that we do our best to be there for them as their mother and father. They are a product of both of us and they need both of us in their lives for their long-term well-being. It's been long due that we have a discussion in regards to the children's well being. I hope that in no way that the girls are to gain information or to be manipulated and influenced by either of us in a negative way. Also to not be emotional needy that they develops feelings of guilt or anxiety if or by spending time with one more than the other. Furthermore, not to depend too much on the girls for companionship and support because you are feeling hurt or lonely. I do not intend and I hope that there is no intent on sabotaging the girls relationship with either of us. All of these little problems adds up to huge burden on the children with a situation they cannot control and this could have long term effects on their mental health. They should not bear such a responsibility. It will promote feelings of helplessness and insecurity, causing them to question their own strengths, abilities, self-worth and confidence in future. As parents we should encourage ourselves to only speak positively about one another around or to the girls and there should be no discussion around them that furthers their insecurity such as what you did when I picked them up the other day. Issues of financial insecurity should be discussed private as adults and without the children present. We must agree on boundaries and behavioural guidel... ...ns: 1. The weekly schedule should be changed on a final basis so that all residency issues may be set aside. This should give the girls the stability they require. 2. That there be limited contact with the children when they are with the other parent so that time spent is quality time and there are no distractions and less emotional turmoil. 3. That you allow the children to sleep in their own beds on their own as it is causing disruption when I try to put them in bed on their own. 4. That the children should not be an emotional crutch by trying to convince them that whom is the more loving and responsible parent. As this ca only lead to more insecurity within them not wanting to disappoint either of us. Your understanding of these terms would go a long way towards the well-being of the children and that should be your only primary concern. Regards, Natalie
Thursday, January 16, 2020
An Analysis of Psychology in Art Essay
Kahlo’s painting Self Portrait with Cropped Hair (1940) and Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girl (1963) both use emotive techniques in order to convey more subtle feelings. While Lichtenstein employed a more bold look to his female subject, Kahlo uses a formal stance in her self-portrait, but both give the viewer the idea of sorrow being the center subject behind these female figures. Kahlo’s self portrait shows a woman on a chair (presumably Kahlo) with the cut pieces of her hair scattered all about her. This use of the hair being all around the main figure gives the viewer the impression of a battle – that Kahlo lost. Hair is a metaphor in the painting – a metaphor of peace or strength. In the bible the symbol of hair can be found in the story of Samson and Delilah in which Samson got his strength from his hair, and the prostitute Delilah cut it all off thereby rendering the hero useless. If then, Kahlo’s hair is her strength it is almost as though the viewer is peering on to a death sentence of the woman. The death sentence in Lichtenstein’s work is much more blatant as the drowning girl states in her bubble â€Å"I’d rather sink than call Brad for help†which coordinates this theme of desperation and sorrow. The stance of either female in their respected representations are opposite: Lichtenstein gives his subject a subdued and hopeless stance being already almost entirely submerged in the water and thereby closer to death while in Kahlo’s painting, although nearly all of her hair is spread about her in a form of defeat, the figure stands in erect position rather in a stance of having lost the battle. There is distinctly more depth present in Kahlo’s painting, with the cut hair scattered on the ground and the angles of the chair making the viewer fell as though they are peering into this event. In Lichtenstein’s work the viewer is given a close up of the woman who doesn’t allow for much depth to be viewed – but in classic Lichtenstein technique, his use of flat planes further develop this loss of field of depth. This is perhaps a metaphoric sense of depth since Kahlo’s portrait is subtle and the viewer has to read into the subject and the subtler emotions involved in the work while in Lichtenstein’s work the viewer merely has to read what the girl says in order to understand everything about the painting in one glance. With a second glance at the figure in Kahlo’s work (and with the history of her recent divorce from her unfaithful husband Diego Rivera) the viewer may guess that this cutting of the hair is symbolic of Kahlo’s state of emotions. Perhaps she is shedding the part of herself that Diego had claimed as Kahlo has said of her art, â€Å"I do not know if my paintings are Surrealist or not, but I do know that they are the most frank expression of myself. †(Kahlo). Thus, in cutting of her hair (presumably he loved long haired women) she is making a claim of self identity away from her cheating husband and thereby the painting becomes transformed into a woman losing hair, into a woman gaining her identity. The top of Kahlo’s painting even states as much in saying, â€Å"†Look, if I loved you it was because of your hair. Now that you are without hair, I don’t love you anymore. â€Å"†Lichtenstein’s portrait of a woman who is also in the bad end of love also has a small bit of this identity. She states that she would rather die than have Brad come and help her, but the viewer wonders, why doesn’t the woman try and save herself? The depth that is lacking in the field of vision with Lichtenstein’s work is replaced by a depth into personality of the woman. A psychologist might argue that the woman has an Ophelia complex (from Hamlet) in which she would rather die than live without her lover. In either instance, it is clear that both artists are trying to depict an emotional state in which love is the cause of the effects. Lichtenstein’s work is predominately innovated through DC comics (a panel of which inspired The Drowning Girl). His use of Benday dots emphasize a stylistic approach. Kahlo’s art is more surreal in nature and symbolic in style as is evident in Self Portrait with Cropped Hair. In surrealistic style, Kahlo allows the interchange of gender to play a dominate role in the painting. The figure, Kahlo herself, is dressed in men’s slacks and a shirt, thus allowing the short hair to almost define her in a masculine capacity. In Lichtenstein’s work the gender of the painting is quite clear with the woman showing attributes a helpless woman drowning in the water as well as in love. This woman relinquishes her control over her fate in a rather docile component of femininity (the viewer is reminded of the big bosomed females in horror movies who run from the monster in drastic steps only to fall in their high heels and be destroyed by their pursuer). In Kahlo’s painting, perhaps because of this gender bending idea, the woman becomes like a man, that is, able to survive, or, in comparison, she becomes the pursuer and thereby strong. In opposition to the bible story then, Kahlo does not in fact become weak in losing her hair, but rather the painting is meant to suggest that she becomes strong in this shedding of hair, and husband. In either painting it is clear that both artists are interested in the psychology of their subject. In the DC comic world by which Lichtenstein gained inspiration, women were somewhat helpless creatures in the 1960’s only gaining a feminine stance in the 1980’s or so. His vision of women through his portrait gives the viewer the idea that without love, a woman does not have an identity, and thus, death is a logical substitute to not having a ‘Brad’. In Kahlo’s painting the same may be deciphered; she allows her femininity to surround her on the ground in the form of her hair, and her transformation into a man makes her stronger. It is then interesting to note the decades which lie between either painting – it may be said that Kahlo was progressive with her painting style and her representation of women (perhaps taking note of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening in which the protagonist cannot live in a man’s world and thus drowns herself in an act of freedom). It is clear that in both artworks there are strong emotions which propel the subjects into the places they stand before the viewer. The emotional journey has come to an end in either painting or the female figures either claim their identities (in the case of Kahlo) or they become submerged in a world where they cannot live without love (in the case of Lichtenstein). The psychology of the main characters becomes evident through the artists’ rendering through the use of space, script, and symbolism. Works Cited Alloway, Lawrence, Roy Lichtenstein, N. Y. : Abbeville, 1983 759. 1 L701A Claudia Bauer, Frida Kahlo, Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2005. Frida Kahlo, ed. Elizabeth Carpenter, exh. cat. , Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2007 759. 972 K12FR Gannit Ankori, Imagining Her Selves: Frida Kahlo’s Poetics of Identity and Fragmentation, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2002. Hayden Herrer, Frida Kahlo: The Paintings, N. Y. : Harper Collins, 1991. 759. 072 K12H Lobel, Michael, Image Duplicator: Roy Lichtenstein and the Emergence of Pop Art, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. Pop Art: A Critical History, Steven H. Madoff, ed. , Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997 709. 73 P8242 Waldmann, Diane, Roy Lichtenstein, exh. cat.. , N. Y. : Guggenheim Museum, 1993. 759. 1 L701WAL Whiting, Cecile, A Taste for Pop: Pop Art, Gender and Consumer Culture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Medical Model Of Health A Balanced Diet And Working Out...
What is health? Is it having a balanced diet and working out or is it being the correct BMI? Health can be defined in many different ways, for example, the Bio-Medical model of health believes health to be the absence of pain, biological abnormalities and diseases. Whereas most Socio-medical models of health such as the World Health Organisation consider health to involve a range of different factors such as environment, social life and mental wellbeing alongside the more recognised factors of health e.g. pain and sickness. From a personal perspective, health should cover all aspects, whether it is social, environmental, psychological and physical. All of these aspects are important aspects to a person’s wellbeing. (Taylor field 2003) The World Health Organisation believes that â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, and political belief, economic or social condition.†(WHO,1946) This means that they delve deeper into a patient’s life, for example if a patient is suffering with depression, other factors are considered for example does the patient socialise, does the patient live in bad conditions? These are all considered to help treat a patient without medication. The Bio-Medical Model is used in western societies such as the NHS, and reliesShow MoreRelatedCare Plan on Stroke4717 Words  | 19 Pages3000 word essay on patient with left sided stroke with one identified health need/problem: Dysphagia Student Name: Dashante` Burgess Green Cohort- Group 1 Module: NIP 1000 Word count: 3,010 A stroke is a life changing disease and sudden attack of weakness to one side of the body resulting from a interruption to the flow of blood going to the brain that can be a minor attack and resolved in a few days or major attack leaving the person with physical disabilities and cognitive deficit (McFerranRead MoreNew Product Development Process9775 Words  | 40 Pageseat everyday affect our health. We are more confused than ever about the link between diet and health  Researchers have researched about, how low-income Greeks affect their healthy diet. 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